Black River Radio Ops was QRV for the 2019 Ohio QSO Party, sponsored by the Mad River Radio Club. We had two stations going for the entire event, one CW and one phone, activating Lorain County. We worked every state at least once, except Alaska, and were able to get 60 of Ohio’s 88 counties on at least one mode, and many of them on both. Click here to see the claimed scores on 3830.
We skipped last year because of other plans. The year before we battled the extreme shack temperatures as the house AC with fans would not keep up with the amplifier output temps. We struggled for a bit and re-applied deodorant and worked through it.
This year was the best year so far. The temps were about 72F and with no AC and some fans going it was very comfortable. We ran the NAQP weeks before and had upper band action that was not present for the OHQP. Either way we managed to pull out the same score as we did 2 years ago.
Good food, good friends, and always a good time at the NW8S station !
Black River Radio Ops.KB8O AB8M KM8V NQ8O KC8NZJ
– NW8S Soapbox