Operator: Jason Pecora
Call: KB8O
License class: Extra
Licensed: 2004
QTH: Elyria, Ohio EN81wi
Jason has had a VHF / UHF / SHF contest station on the air for many years. He has recently geared more towards HF DXing. He prefers CW over any mode but you can find him in the phone portion of the bands also. Jason is very active in HF contesting and also local amateur communications in his county.
Operator: Doug Dever
Call: AB8M
License class: Extra
Licensed: 1992
QTH: Broadview Heights, Ohio EN91di
Doug was originally licensed as N8VUR after N8USK (now KM8V) tossed him a Gordon West book on a random Tuesday in high school and said, “You’re coming with me this weekend to take a test.” Doug enjoys digital modes in general and RTTY contesting specifically. During the pandemic he learned to appreciate NTS and can be found on BRTN, TCTTN, and OSSBN. He is an ARRL life member and joined QCWA in 2017. “After twenty years of making fun of those [QCWA] guys, it was my act of contrition. Besides, it’s the only group where I’m still young,” said Dever. He keeps “one of them Kenmore” HF stations at KB8O to be used for multi/2 contesting or for washing the pint glasses.
Operator: Jon Anhold
Call: KM8V
License Class: Extra
Licensed: 1992
QTH: Fairview Park, Ohio EN91bk
Jon was originally licensed as N8USK in high school and upgraded from no-code Technician to Extra at the Dayton Hamvention in 2002. Immediately after passing the exams he bought his first HF rig, a Kenwood TS-440SAT in the flea market. A computer nerd by trade, Jon has been using Linux since 1992 and enjoys playing with a variety of digital modes and toys, but hates computers and especially printers. When not spending time with his four harmonics, you can find him on FT8, working RTTY contests at KB8O, enjoying a beverage at the NW8S Field Day, listening to the police scanner, or hanging out on IRC.
Operator: Tom Tillack
Call: NQ8Ø
License Class: Extra
Licensed: 1985
QTH: Elyria, Ohio EN81wi
Tom has had an interest in radio since he was a kid. He modified an old RCA Victor clock radio to pick up the 31 meter broadcast band, was given a CB radio by his Dad, and was hooked. He was originally licensed in 1985 as N8HAC but never made any contacts as a general class (not even VHF/UHF) because he couldn’t live with the idea of frequency limitations. He tested through extra class a month and a half later, received call sign NQ8O, which he intends to take to his grave. He has primarily been an HF operator, mainly chasing DX and ragchewing. In 2016 he discovered contesting, where has been getting progressively more active. He is a big fan of the WPX contests because he is always a multiplier. He does CW, SSB, and has recently been getting more active in the digital modes, especially DMR, which he loves.
Operator: Mat Nickoson
Call: KC8NZJ
License Class: Technician
Licensed: 2000
QTH: Shaker Heights, Ohio EN91fl
Mat has been an avid scanner listener since a very young age. His interest in amateur radio was sparked by stumbling across a Skywarn net. He lived in Florida for several years where he began doing UHF/VHF weak signal work, as well as 10-meter HF. Mat’s main interests in radio are scanning and UHF/VHF with a focus on working public service events. He is Founder and President of a local charity called Event Support Group (ESG) that helps provide free communications to community and charity events in the Greater Cleveland area. ESG is most known for its efforts in constructing and maintaining the “Hambulance” (left) which has been made possible by numerous generous donations from inside and outside the amateur radio community. Mat is also the local Cuyahoga County Skywarn coordinator, as well as the Cuyahoga County ARES Emergency Coordinator, and ARES District 10 Emergency Coordinator.
Operator: Rob Harbaugh
Call: NA8Q
License Class: Extra
Licensed: 2019
QTH: Maumee, Ohio EN81eo
Rob is a relatively new ham, licensed in 2019. During the pandemic he decided to learn CW and it is now his preferred mode. He became NA8Q, joined CWops, and has been active in CW contesting and ragchewing since. He is active in #redditnet IRC on geekshed and always willing to schedule a HF contact, but most often is found chasing Parks on the Air or participating in the weekly CWT contests.
Operator: CJ Johnson
Call: WT2P
License Class: Extra
Licensed: 1994
QTH: Aurora, IL EN51us
WT2P was first licensed in 1994 as N9YXA and immediately took to contesting and CW, later upgrading to K9YO. He spent time in NYC in the mid 00’s before coming back to the Midwest after 2011. CJ focuses on Contesting and DXing and has helped many stations in the IL/IN/WI area upgrade their stations to embrace more automation of switching, remote operation and SO2R. He runs SO2R from a city lot with wires, and operates from stations such as K9CT, WB9Z and K9ZO. He focuses primarily on CW and Digital contesting, dabbling occasionally in SSB. You can find him on the air nearly every week in the CWOps CWT contests. He is a member of the Society Of Midwest Contesters, Metro DX Club, and now this esteemed group of Ohio operators.